Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia

Where Indonesian Supply Chain & Logistics Professionals Meet

Judul Event : [Short Course] Inventory Record Accuracy - 5 September 2024
Kategori Event : Offline Event
Uraian Singkat :

Inventory Record Accuracy (IRA)


Inventory remains an important part of supply chain management. Managing this critical resource (inventory) starts with creating and maintaining accurate inventory records. In some companies, inventory accuracy only becomes important when they aren’t working properly. Creating an effective, well managed inventory record accuracy (IRA) system is clearly a critical challenge for all companies on the way to world class operation management.


To monitor inventory levels and reduce the risks of stockouts, it’s important that inventory records are accurate. As soon as any difference between the records and the physical inventory is discovered, the records should be adjusted as well as the accounting records.


Counting and correcting inventory records was not enough. The goal should be to understand the cause of errors (root cause analysis) as an input to the company’s and correct those processes systematically through continuous improvement programs (Kaizen).



One Day Program:

·         Planning and preparation   

·         Building data integrity (accuracy) as a prerequisite of successful supply chain

·         Empower people for participate, coordinate, organize and supervise activities

·         Understand the errors and causes of inaccurate records 

·         Reduce number of transactions in association to reduce: errors or new errors

·         Reduce costs in wall-to-wall physical inventory activities

·         Periodic inventory counting (stock opname / stock take)

·         Inventory Location Accuracy (ILA)

·         Control group and root cause analysis

·         Cycle inventory counting 

·         Process control, monitoring and evaluation

·         Case studies: successful stock take




The participant will learn

·         How to organize inventory record accuracy activities from planning, conducting until post inventory at efficient costs

·         Some suggestion as to how the objective of highest accurate inventory records can be achieved in the shortest possible times 

·         Develop important operating procedures to ensure optimal inventory accuracy over the long term



Uda Sasmita

Practitioner with >20 years of experience in logistics field



Thursday, 5 September 2024

09.00 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Harper MT. Haryono



Reguler                Rp 2.800.000

Group                   Rp 2.650.000 (*min.3 person)

*training kit, certificate, snack & lunch



Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia

Ph.         021 386 3936

WA.       0811 9590 620 (chat only)



Tanggal Mulai Event : 05 September 2024
Tanggal Berakhir Event : 05 September 2024
Tanggal Publish : 19 August 2024
Batas Akhir Publish : 06 September 2024
Negara : Indonesia
Provinsi : DKI Jakarta
Kota/Kabupaten : Jakarta Pusat
Alamat : Jl. MI. Ridwan Rais No. 5
Link ke Website Terkait :
Kata Kunci : Short Couse
Nama Narahubung : Elsa
Kontak Narahubung : 08119590620